
We take pride in associating ourselves with seriously talented and professional tattoo artists with varying styles.

Walk-ins are available Wednesday 1:00-5:00, Saturday and Sunday 12:30-6:00.

To make an appointment, please email your preferred artist.
Same day appointments may be available, but are not guaranteed (text or email for availability)
All appointments require a DEPOSIT.

Please CLICK HERE for appointment information.

Thank you, we appreciate you!

(We are currently working on a new website, the tattoo artists portfolios are their Instagram accounts. Simply click on their profile picture)


Tattoo Artist

By appointment. Same day appointments available, please email.


Tattoo Artist

By appointment


Tattoo Artist

By appointment


Tattoo Artist

By appointment. Same day appointments available. Walk-in tattoos available Saturday & Sunday 12:30-6:00


Tattoo Artist

By appointment. Walk-in tattoos available Wednesday 1:00-5:00

***Your tattoo artist is responsible for touch-ups and will give you their specific aftercare intructions verbally and should be followed. These are general care instructions we provide that have worked well though may not be the same as your tattoo artists instructions. There are alot of factors that go into healing but 2 things to remember is keep it CLEAN and less is more, let your body do it’s job! Do not hesitate to contact us for any reason, we have the same goal, that your tattoo heals well.


-Avoid alcohol and aspirin for at least 24 hours prior to your appointment.

-Drink plenty of water the day prior to and the day of procedure.

-Eat something about an hour before the procedure. 


-Always wash your hands thoroughly before touching your tattoo. Do not let anyone else touch your tattoo unless they wash their hands first. Do not submerge your tattoo in water for at least 10 days, but taking a normal shower is fine. Avoid sun on the tattoo for 2 weeks.

-Day 1: Leave bandage on for at least 2 hours, then gently remove. There may be some ink on bandage – this is normal. If bandage is stuck, soak with cool water to remove. Rinse tattoo with lukewarm water. Gently lather with mild, preferably non-perfumed soap using your hand – not a wash cloth. Pat tattoo dry with a fresh paper towel and let skin air dry for about five minutes. Smear a THIN layer of ointment on tattoo every couple of hours. Do not re-bandage. 

-Days 2 to 4: Wash tattoo after waking up, as mentioned above. Apply a thin layer of ointment every 2 hours. Tattoo can be plastic-wrapped under your clothes if you must cover it for work – but it must be cleaned every 4-6 hours. 

-Days 5 to 14: Tattoo may itch and peel as it heals, like sunburn. Do NOT scratch or pick at it. Apply unscented lotion 5-10 times per day. Avoid direct sunlight, tanning salons, and chlorine water on tattoo during this time.

-Once healed, use sun block on tattoo every time you go in the sun or a tanning salon.